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2 Students enrolled
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Welcome to the MESH or Mandatory Eight-hour Safety and Health Training.

Course objectives:

At the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  • Explain the importance of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH),
  • Explain the basic concepts of OSH towards an effective implementation in the workplace,
  • Explain the basic rules and measures against safety and health hazards,
  • State the application of controlling hazards and risks,
  • State how to respond to workplace emergencies, and
  • Identify the prescribed administrative requirements and penalties for violations.

This training is divided into 6 modules. 

Module 01 – Introduction to OSH 

Module 02 – Understanding OSH

Module 03 – Recognizing Safety Hazards, and appropriate Control measures

Module 04 – Application of Hazards Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (HIRAC)

Module 05 – Workplace Emergency Preparedness

Module 06 – Compliance with Administrative OSH Requirements